Thank You
Thank you for booking your remote survey with us. Rest assured one of our solar solutions professionals will be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to discuss your project.
Prior to the call you may also find the following pages on our website extremely useful in helping you conduct your research into the best products to meet your project needs
Understanding Solar Panels :-
Battery Storage – What you REALLY need to know:
You will find we operate differently from sales orientated installation companies.
Our very first priority is to always discuss your needs/wants/objectives in addition to educating you about the potential pitfalls to avoid making a very expensive mistake.
With this in mind it would be helpful when our solutions advisors call to have most of the relevant information to hand, this includes but not limited to your existing energy consumption levels in Kwh’s, property specific information in regards your roof type (Flat/pitched/Tiled/Obstructions), preferred location for the equipment etc.
To help you understand our methods the following is guide to how we will handle our future dealings with you.
- Initial Telephone consultation to gather all the relevant facts necessary to provide the best advice and products suited to meet your own unique set of circumstances.
- Use the information provided to perform a remote survey and design a bespoke set of solutions using our industry software.
- Provide our first initial solution by email. This will provide in depth information on all the relevant products, recommendations, generation v consumption figures, Investment Level v ROI & Payback achieved.
- Agree a date/time for a follow up conversation to provide the time needed to digest the information, gather your thoughts and come up with your additional queries.
- Agree the project plans, pay initial deposit and schedule the required technical site survey to ensure the project meets all the parameters within a standard scope of works.
- Set the installation date.
- Complete and commission the installation.
We hope this helps prepare you for a rewarding experience when working with UK Solar Solutions.
Thank You
Tony Dunlop
Senior Renewables Consultant
Office: 01494 413086
Mobile: 07894 814181